Buy a House, Get a Car

New appliances and vacation packages aren't unusual giveaways in the housing slump, but one woman is taking the unorthodox step of throwing in a car with the purchase of her home.

Buy a House, Get a Car

Now, will you take her offer? some Agents say this was done a long time ago and does not do the trick that was expected. All I can say is if I like the house then I'll take it I won't go for the house because of the car.

Article by: Kate Bolduan and Edvige Jean-François


Unknown said...

We have a builder in Arizona that if you buy one of their "green" homes they will give you a Prius.

Chelle said...

I have seen other people do this, it doesn't make any difference in most cases. Did you see the lady including herself as part of the sale in hopes of meeting a husband?


erikko said...

what a nice combination, a house and a car.

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